Simon Morgan, The Journals of John Deakin Heaton and the ‘Heaton Map Project’

Simon Morgan is the Principal Lecturer in History at Leeds Beckett University.  He is the author of A Victorian Woman’s Place: Public Culture in the Nineteenth Century (London: I.B. Tauris, 2007), and co-editor with Professor Anthony Howe of the Letters of Richard Cobden, the fourth and final volume of which will be published in August 2015 by Oxford University Press.  He is currently working on a monograph entitled Personality and Popular Politics, 1815-1867: Heroes, Champions and Celebrities in the Age

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Mapping the Victorian Novel

This week in my research I came across Maps of the Classics, a website where a selection of novels – mostly English, European, and American nineteenth-century novels – have been plotted onto interactive maps. Texts featured include Mansfield Park, Bleak House, The Mill on the Floss, and Anna Karenina. On each map, locations are helpfully marked with short explanations of their appearance in the text, and fictional locations have been mapped onto the real locations on which they are thought

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New Agenda – Katharina Boehm and Josephine McDonagh, ‘Urban Mobility: New Maps of Victorian London’

‘The Uncommercial Traveller, whose urban explorations by foot, coach and train lead him from genteel Bond Street to the muddy thoroughfares of the East End, and from London’s ‘shy neighbourhoods’ to the docks by the Thames, reminds us of the mobility of Victorian city dwellers. Like Dickens’s compulsive traveller, countless fictional and historical Londoners experienced the city and its material cultures on the move.’  Introducing the New Agenda on ‘Urban Mobility’, Katharina Boehm and Josephine McDonagh survey the scholarship on the

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