Lara Rutherford-Morrison – University of California, Santa Barbara Part Two: Bringing the Body into the Digital Book. You can read part two here. When people talk about the downsides of e-books, they often complain that e-books lack a connection between reader and body—without the physical texture, weight, and smell of the book and its pages, the e-book can seem (forgive the pun) rather bloodless. Interactive e-book apps, like PadWorx’s Dracula: The Official Stoker Family Edition (2010), attempt to draw the body back into
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Lara Rutherford-Morrison – A Book to Sink One’s Teeth Into: Part One
Lara Rutherford-Morrison-University of California, Santa Barbara Part One: Re-Vamping Dracula as an Interactive E-Book Since the iPad first arrived on the scene in 2010, a variety of e-book apps have attempted to take advantage of the uniquely interactive possibilities of the tablet computer. Many of these apps are designed for educational purposes. For example, Cambridge’s Shakespeare apps and Touch Press’s edition of Eliot’s The Wasteland include supplementary materials like audio-recordings of the texts, critical commentary, performance videos, and images—all aimed at
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