Dracula and Bram Stoker – a novelist’s review

by Ann Victoria Roberts Would Bram Stoker recognise the characters in Sky’s new TV series? I doubt it. But Dracula the TV series is just one more twist on a popular theme, one that has been endlessly re-interpreted since the unauthorised film, Nosferatu, first appeared in 1922. Stoker’s widow sued the German production company, and in doing so created the publicity which led to a fresh surge of interest in the novel. After good reviews at the time of its

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Review: Dracula (2013)

Richard Gough Thomas (Manchester Metropolitan University) Purists may be offended that NBC’s Dracula re-envisions the Count as a ruthless anti-hero who, disguised as an American industrialist, wages a covert war of vengeance against the ‘Order of the Dragon’ who centuries ago murdered his wife. The Order, we are told, represent the forces of reaction that hold back science and reason that they might better rule us. The complication in Dracula’s plans is Mina Murray, student of the distinguished Professor Van Helsing, and

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Will the Real Esther Price Please Stand Up? Archival Fiction & The Mill

By Catherine Feely Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire, the setting and subject of Channel 4’s drama The Mill, holds a privileged place in my early historical training. My mother remembers that when I was a child, bored stiff by country houses when my parents invested in membership to the National Trust in the 1980s, a trip to the cotton mill could always be counted on to stop me moaning. (My father half-jokes that he has spent all of his adult

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