CFP: Victorians Like Us III International Conference ‘Progress. A blessing or a curse?’

Venue: School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon Date: 26-27 October 2016 Convener: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) Call for papers ‘Progress. A blessing or a curse?’ will be the third of a series of international conferences at the School of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon), promoted by the Research Group 2 (English Culture) of ULICES which have brought together Victorianist and Neovictorianist researchers, among others. The first event, (Victorians Like Us. Memories, dialogues and

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CFP The Body and Pseudoscience in the Long Nineteenth Century, Interdisciplinary Conference, 18 June 2016, Newcastle University

Call for Papers:  The Body and Pseudoscience in the Long Nineteenth Century, Interdisciplinary Conference, 18 June 2016, Newcastle University  ‘Sciences we now retrospectively regard as heterodox or marginal cannot be considered unambiguously to have held that status at a time when no clear orthodoxy existed that could confer that status upon them’ (Alison Winter, 1997). The nineteenth century witnessed the drive to consolidate discrete scientific disciplines, many of which were concerned with the body. Attempts were made to clarify the

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CFP: Special Issue Journal Call for Essay Submissions – Poetic Optimism and the Post-Enlightenment Social Identity, 1794-1878

To complement the upcoming Paranoia and Pain conference (2-4 April 2012) at the University of Liverpool (, we are developing a collection of articles for a special issue journal of Studies in the Literary Imagination entitled ‘Poetic Optimism and the Post-Enlightenment Social Identity, 1794-1878’. This collection will explore the meaning and application of poetic optimism in relation to the question of social identity from 1794 to 1878. How is optimism shared through versification during this period? What allusive forms did

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Book Series Announcement: Dramatic Lives

Dramatic Lives Series Editor: Katharine Cockin This series will present biographies, monographs and edited collections of scholarly essays about individuals who have worked in the theatre either as a principal occupation or who have made a significant contribution to the theatre. As well as studies of distinguished figures of the theatre, the series will include works on artists, writers, political activists and amateurs working on its fringes, bringing a wealth of other experience from fields such as literature, art, music,

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Journal Announcement and CFP: Upstage, a journal of turn-of-the-century dramatic literature, theatre, and theatrical culture

UPSTAGE, a peer-reviewed online publication dedicated to research in turn-of-the-century dramatic literature, theatre, and theatrical culture, seeks submissions for its second issue scheduled for the spring or summer of 2011. This is a development of the pages published under this name as part of THE OSCHOLARS, and will henceforth be an independently edited journal in the oscholars group published at, as part of our expanding coverage of the different cultural manifestations of the fin de siècle. Topics may include,

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