The Journal of Victorian Culture (JVC) Online welcomes proposals addressing issues of pedagogy, contemporary popular culture, and the academy as they relate to Victorian studies.
JVC Online asks that all contributors be conscious of the online medium in which their work will appear. For text-based pieces, contributors should be careful to limit paragraph length for readability, and posts should be no more than 1500 words in length. We also invite contributors to be a little bit less formal that traditional academic prose allows.
Multimedia contributions, such as sound recordings and short videos, and non-traditional formats, such as tweets and hypertext, are enthusiastically encouraged.
Contributors should browse the current content of JVC Online in order to get a sense of house style and the kinds of content appropriate for each of our main categories (see the links above in the masthead).
Queries and proposals should be emailed to the Editor of JVC Online, Lucinda Matthews-Jones at JournalofVictorianCulture@gmail.com. All posts should be sent to Lucie as an MS Word or html attachment.
For links in the text and/or citations, please provide the web address. If the link is meant to be embedded in the text, please include the full web address in parentheses as part of the link.
When looking for resources on nineteenth-century London, Lee Jackson’s site (http://www.victorianlondon.org/) is a very useful resource.
If the post includes citations, the should follow the Modern Humanities Research Association Style for endnotes as described on page 57 of the MHRA Style Guide.
Example post: Matrimonial Advertising: A Very Brief Madness?
Contributors should send a list of images to be included in the post along with suggestions for their locations within the text. Along with basic bibliographic information, this list should include the link to image online or the images themselves (as attachments) if they are the contributor’s own images. If the image is not in the public domain and out of copyright, the contributor should also include the copyright holder’s contact information.
Please Note: The editors of JVC Online reserve the right to edit contributions for length, readability, clarity, and technological considerations.