The Stones of Venice Discussion Group

In the run up to the BAVS/NAVSA/AVSA Global and the Local conference (3-6 June), the Journal of Victorian Culture Online has organised a short online reading group of John Ruskin’s Stones of Venice. The reading will extend over three weeks and each week will focus on a different extract.

Extract One: ‘The Throne’ (Friday 11th May- concluding Friday 18th May) led by Samantha Briggs (University of Exeter)
Extract Two:Modern Education’ (Friday 18th May- concluding 25th May) led by Jonathan Memel (University of Exeter)
Extract Three: ‘The Nature of Gothic’ (Friday 25th May- concluding 1st June) led by Samantha Briggs (University of Exeter)

How it will work:

Each week a new extract will be uploaded to the site. We ask that you read the extract from that week and then highlight any points of interest, observations or questions you might have. Comments should be made in that week’s comment box. All comments will be released daily, unless deemed unsuitable. Feel free to respond to each other but please be respectful of each other’s points of views.

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