JVC online needs YOU!

As a multi-authored blog, we’re always looking for your contributions to JVC online. We want our readers to see JVC online as a place to blog without having to commitment to writing regular posts, or feeling tied down to having your own blog. Interested in writing a post then email Lucie at l.m.matthew-jones@ljmu.ac.uk.

How can you get involved?

  • Fun Posts

We’re always looking for reviews of films, TV and exhibitions (temporary/permanent). You can also let us know about any Victorian or Neo-Victorian novels that you are reading.

  • Research/Academic Posts

These posts could introduce your research projects. You can either provide a broad overview of project websites or blogs. Alternatively, you might like to reflect on methodological issues or questions relating to your research. You could review an academic text (article/book) that you have found useful but has recently been overlooked/neglected/forgotten. You could also introduce your work by discussing an interesting aspect/theme of your research or by focusing on a specific source. Similarly, you could reflect on any archives or digital databases you use.

  • Pedagogical Posts

The recent ‘Teaching and Learning Showcase’ has shown that many of us teach Victorian Studies in innovative ways. We would like to continue to offer lecturers a platform to discuss the innovative and imaginative ways that we teach.  

  • Conference Reports

Are you attending or organising a conference? Then you could write a report on the conference for us. We are also happy to have posts that reflect on conferences in general.

If you think I’ve missed something then get in contact with us. We always welcome suggestions for posts.

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