As part of our continual development of JVC Online, we are currently seeking to bring a few people on board as Contributors, and we invite applications to be part of this group.
Contributors would be expected to post two blog entries per month: one “serious” piece that would relate to the author’s current research activities and teaching interests & one “fun” piece that would highlight popular culture connections to Victorian studies. These entries should be short (no longer than 500 words) and make extensive use of images, audio files, and video clips.
If you are interested in being a JVC Online Contributor, please send a copy of your C.V. with one post of each above-described type. The posts should be sent either in the form of links to your own blog or JVC Online. Temporary JVC Online author accounts can be created upon request for those wishing to create new posts.
All inquires and application materials should be sent to Lucie Matthew-Jones (JVC Online Editor of Contributions) by November 15, 2012.