Digital Forum On Pedagogy, Issue 16.1 (April 2011)

Laptop and booksDigital resources transform the terms on which we can teach the various disciplines that constitute nineteenth-century studies. No longer restricted to the teaching edition or to brief visits to Special Collections, students can engage with a far richer repertoire of nineteenth-century artefacts.

However, working with this material demands that students are comfortable encountering such strange objects free of the usual apparatus that accompanies them. They also need to be comfortable using various digital technologies, both to locate material and to produce work of their own.

As the use of digital resources is no longer optional for research into the nineteenth century, we have a responsibility to engage with the digital and help our students to do so too. As these essays make clear, a good place to start, for students and their teachers, is in class.

(the above is excerpted from James Mussell’s introduction to the forum)

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